Either way I didn't look into uncommon side effects from the MTX. Hello. I am the uncommon side effects girl. Is it my weakend immune system from years of fertility drugs? I would bet my pasty ass it is. Bronchitis, pneumonia, shingles, horrid flus ever since I've been on them. And now just 12 hours after the MTX shots I feel like pneumonia or bronchitis is here to party. I felt great health wise before the shots. Not even a sneeze or sniffle. I guess bleeding the Red Sea for eight days and feeling like your reproductive goods are being scraped out with a dirty spoon wasn't enough. It's comical. Really I'm laughing at just how miserable it can be. Why would my body take the easy route. That would be a first. But still I sit here with this stupid tea and gobs of Vicks vapor rub on my upper lip thinking about how thankful I am just to be alive and still have a uterus. And I don't need Facebook to validate just how miserable I am. There's enough cry babies on there to last ten lifetimes.
I only hope that by sharing my experience that someone else is reading this thinking damn. Me too. Or they haven't yet but it will happen and they will think back to this post and know they aren't alone.
Regardless of the bronchitis/pneumonia hopefully the MTX is working and my body is giving up the baby sans surgery route. Monday can't come fast enough. If my HCG hasn't dropped then under the D&C route I go. Another job experience to add to the resume of infertility.
So where do we go from here? Good question. It will be at least six more weeks until we can even "try" again with medication. I am not sure how I feel about that. If I am being completely honest. I don't think I can go through this again. Hulk skin and all. This test was no walk in the park. I did enjoy stealing all of the pads out of my REs dressing room after driving 16 hours in one week and having my 5th blood test in a fit of emotional breakdown rage. They can cover that with the thousands we spent on failed IUIs. Now where's my scarlet U. I'm wearing that shit with pride.
IVF seems so much easier now for me. If only financially that was an option at this time. Skip right over my scarred up tubes and straight to the uterus. Do not pass go do not collect a tubal pregnancy.
In the meantime I will be focused on renting out our house, packing and moving to boringtofarfromfamilyville Fort Leonardwood, MO. Easy with the positives Rachel. Save some for the rest of the world.
Thank you to everyone who has texted, emailed and messaged us with much love and support. I apologize if I haven't responded to some of you. Eventually I will get there. And I'm sorry I left some readers off in blogger snoozeville with no one to make fun of, no good memes to see or nothing good to read like the word damn with conviction all while I was gone being a huge vagina. I will try to be more accountable.